Hmm. The days were going pathetically the same. Yeah we all know it’s a week before UN is going to be held, but why does YPK still oblige us to go to school regularly? Seeing as how free now the other schools are, I’m a bit jealous, you know. Isn’t it just unfair? But sometimes I have to remind myself to stop groaning about this, these all are meant for my best. Besides, I’m not guaranteeing myself that I will study in home as frequent as I do in school. It’s good overall, but still, the hardest thing to do is to wake up by 6 sharp.
UN is coming and I still can breathe, not suffocating already. I worry much about college. I hope I can really get the university I’ve wanted. I’m afraid they won’t admit me. Hope things will be easy. Amen.
Soon after that I can emit sighs of relief. I’ll be freshman and yet, getting older. Huh~ I’ll be very distance with my parents. Hope I can survive out there. May Allah be with me all the time and let me keep in touch with Allah.
Today wasn’t a good day, so far. You know, English is the only exhilarating subject to me amongst those frustrating exact subjects – such as physics, chem, bio and math. But, the English teacher is not expected. He is the only reason why I felt so gross for learning English. Isn’t a teacher supposed to teach the students accordingly? Like evaluating preceding Examinations, talking grammars, translating together… That’d be fun. But guess he only evaluated Examination once, the very first one. After that, no more evaluating... All we do is exercising without an evaluation. How great is that? How do we determine our faults? Maybe he got tired teaching for so many years.
Or sometimes he discusses a very boring topic with us, pointless topic. Without knowing where our conversation goes. And also, he occasionally neglects us, sadly we had no struggle.
Lastly, he brought a speaker to our class and then played an old music – more like his favorite music, and then let us transcribe the lyric. Eventually, he coerced us to sing together. Ugh, I didn’t want to sing, so I lipsynced. Once he caught me for not singing, he admonished me that if I hadn’t sung, he would let me sing in front of the class. He should know that I don’t sing (at least not in front of people), because I really don’t have a good voice, no singing aptitude at all. Seriously, he doesn’t want me to do it. LOL
Suppose I enjoy the music, I liked his music, but it’s like two years ago. I’m already sick of the song. Barry Manilow – I Can’t Smile Without You. Oh snap, even Dea and I had been singing the song and changed the lyric like “..I feel glad when you’re sad, I feel sad when you’re glad…”
So lame…Gross!
The next song was Josh Groban – To Where You Are. It’s a good song, but it came along with him, it doesn’t fit to my ear. LOL. It’s like he was trying to adjust us to be influenced with HIS. Maybe next time he will have us half bald too. No sir, just kidding.