Saturday, May 23, 2009

Minded Mind!

Uuhh. Saturday. The day supposed to be the relaxing day. And those stupid daily activities supposed to outta my mind.
Chemistry is the only thing minded on my mind, all the time. I flunked chemistry, so I worried a lot about chemistry test this Monday. So, I and some of my friends went to aga’s house to study about it. But when I was there, I didn’t do anything useful but chattering about stuffs.
This night, dea asked me to study at another fellow’s house. But I didn’t seem too excited to learn, because of something. So I stayed at home and worried a lot about chemistry. Worrying is the only one thing I could do.
It’s ok, I still have Sunday and I won’t let this Sunday to be as relax as today.

Despite of being desperate of that stupid minded-chemistry, today I had some fun. I woke at 11.30 am then I went online to see some fellows. Then my sister came to my house, she took me out in case she was really needed a help to buy ceramics from the household shop, also to take my dad from the massage house. I really enjoyed driving a car.
From the massage house, my dad wanted to take some lunch. He took “Nasi padang” for it. But I didn’t eat because I already ate “Nasi Padang” too at house before my sister took me out.

After we studied chemistry this afternoon, we decided to go to meatball restaurant because we were really STARVING and CRAVING about meatball. It was such as satisfying!
Then I went home, was checking facebook(again). I got bored of it so I watched “WILCHILD”, a film of Emma Roberts that I really like. I watched it over again and again. I really like their conversation. I got lotta vocabs and slank. But some conversation couldn’t be heard clearly. So I googled for its script. And I got it! I would like to print it out, but it contains about 45 pages. And I’m kinda lazy of it and I know it is totally such as waste of paper.

In the evening, my family invited me to go to my brother’s house. He and his family are having a newborn baby. And it was a girl. But unfortunately, I couldn’t go with them for some reasons.
She was born last night right at 4 in the morning. I weren’t there because I was so sleepy so I went home. I was all alone and I called my friend. Too bad, he scared me a lot that night so hung up the phone.
I was regret because till now, I haven’t seen my little beautiful niece. I had a nephew already, and he’s so cute and fat. He’s still 2 years something.
My sister told me a story about his enviable about his new sister: he tried to attract people by being loner and messing with my sister-in-law’s stuffs. I bet he was so cute. Oh poor little nephew…



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