I woke by the 6 in the morning and the train was about to stop at tugu station, and so I texted usi to pick me up. I was bringing my 12 kg luggage. It was really heavy to put it on my thighs while usi drove the motorcycle. So pathetic, she picked me up with motorcycle. I was desperately lack of money, so using a cab was not a good idea to my finance. It’s cool anyway. Being a backpacker with a luggage? Haha that’s cool either. So before the adventure began, I should drop my heavy luggage. She drove me to my hotel then I put my luggage down to the receptionist desk. He said that the room I ordered was still occupied, so I just put my luggage and asked the receptionist to keep it. Then I met Agung at the lobby of the hotel. He was with his family including sister and mother.
Then I came back to usi and arlin which had come when I talked with the receptionist. We went to ima’s dorm. She has a very good dorm. With two beds, a lavatory and a bathroom, a television and so on, she has her own heaven. Two beds but she owned the whole room. She doesn’t mind with how much she would be charged. I think so.
And we left her dorm to get some breakfast. I was terribly hungry. I didn’t get anything to eat while I was on the train, I didn’t even have money to purchase anything. 3000 was the amount all I got that time. How pathetic that I was holding hunger and thirst for a whole night. Actually I did bring some breadtalks, but I was afraid to be thirst when there was nothing to drink.
So I ordered lontong sayur. And for the god’s sakes it was relieving. Then dopeng came and ordered something I couldn’t remember. Or he didn’t? ps: who cares!
We fled to arlin’s house. We were waiting for aga’s arrival. Aga would be my roommate at the hotel. And by the 12, we went to train station and get him picked up.
We were all ready to go have fun. We went to keraton. What a boring destination, but as long as we were together, everything passed by with laughter.
The day was getting dusk and orange. We went to alun-alun. We rode tandem bicycle. There were nine of us. We were split into three groups. Aga led lita and piti. Bryan led me and ima. And arlin led ucha and usi. Usi loosed one of her sandals. What a silly… she’s cute anyway. But I think she was getting into puberty phase. It was all drawn in her face. Hehehe
We went home and took some rest. Bryan came to my hotel, visiting me and aga. We went to find dinner at the nearest steak restaurant. We ate a lot of steak with economical price. A perfect fit to my condition!! And bryan slept over at our room. He snored! Oh my god he was snoring in my ear. But aga said I was snoring too. Shoot! I didn’t know I snore too…
I was awake by the sound of the shower. It was aga. He always took a bath in early morning. It’s so contrast to my habit. It was a Sunday morning. Ima texted me just in time, saying that there’s a weekly market every Sunday morning called ‘Sunday Morning’. Dopeng came when bryan left. Then dopeng, aga and I went to Sunday morning. It was a great market. They were selling a lot of things and mostly they’re so flirty. I was unconditionally lack of money. So buying things was not a good idea, at all.
And then we spent the rest of the day, going to theatre. We watched A*team. It was an outstanding action movie. If you are an adrenaline junkies, it’s a good movie to trigger your action fantasy. Very interesting!
It comes to a dawn, we loafed all morning. We did nothing at all until 4 pm. It’s time to come home. I continued my journey going to Surabaya. I took a train definitely.
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