the title I took is not related to what I'm going to write. It's a title of a novel that then I quoted here. It's... FIERCE. I love it.
It's saturday again and I had to go to additional class in the morning. How sucks..
We got the schedule paper two weeks ago. It was scheduled that the class will conduct at 8 am. But Mr. Suraji asked us to come half hour earlier last week--in case there was a briefing of Tes Daya Serap. I thought it was an exception and this saturday would be back as the printed schedule. I purposely went to school at 8, and voila. I was late. Fortunately, the first class was english, lectured by Mr. Maskud. He was nice, he allowed me to have a seat. Had it been Mr. Suraji's class, I would die for just facing him and finding excuses that he would never ever accept.
Class should end by 12.30 pm. But it didn't. People from STT-Telkom came along from their native place for just giving us Try Out. Some of us denied to do the try outs and sneakingly left the school. I couldn't leave the school, I'ma good boy. haha
I did the try out and found out it was shockingly difficult.
Today was bryan's birthday. When I was about to sleep last night, I checked my 5700 and the calendar informed me about his birthday. And soon after that, I texted him a birthday greeting. I hope I would be the first who send him birthday greets.
We asked him to celebrate it with feast. We insisted him, but he kept saying no. But no long after that, at 3 pm maybe, I received a text message announcing feast celebration tonight at koprasi. I'd like to come, but I got a feeling that tonight is not a good night. I don't know. I still have 1 hour to decide whether go or not.
although i'm not a huge fans of naruto, I feel like this comic has exceeded the limit. lol
When I woke up at the morning, I was figuring about law of conservation of energy--empirical law of physics. making it as an analogycal thought. Love is an equivalent to the law. That the loss of energy is an equivalent to the energy achieved. Just like love. The love we've just given to a person, eventhough that person doesn't give back the love, you'll still receive love from other people. Who just loved you so much. that's what I think. what do you think about it?
It's saturday again and I had to go to additional class in the morning. How sucks..
We got the schedule paper two weeks ago. It was scheduled that the class will conduct at 8 am. But Mr. Suraji asked us to come half hour earlier last week--in case there was a briefing of Tes Daya Serap. I thought it was an exception and this saturday would be back as the printed schedule. I purposely went to school at 8, and voila. I was late. Fortunately, the first class was english, lectured by Mr. Maskud. He was nice, he allowed me to have a seat. Had it been Mr. Suraji's class, I would die for just facing him and finding excuses that he would never ever accept.
Class should end by 12.30 pm. But it didn't. People from STT-Telkom came along from their native place for just giving us Try Out. Some of us denied to do the try outs and sneakingly left the school. I couldn't leave the school, I'ma good boy. haha
I did the try out and found out it was shockingly difficult.
Today was bryan's birthday. When I was about to sleep last night, I checked my 5700 and the calendar informed me about his birthday. And soon after that, I texted him a birthday greeting. I hope I would be the first who send him birthday greets.
We asked him to celebrate it with feast. We insisted him, but he kept saying no. But no long after that, at 3 pm maybe, I received a text message announcing feast celebration tonight at koprasi. I'd like to come, but I got a feeling that tonight is not a good night. I don't know. I still have 1 hour to decide whether go or not.
ahaha. arya sent me an album containing pictures against Naburo comic--a stupid comic that being sold throughout the nation. The comic is very bad with the scent of plagiarism, bad-drawing-skill, and so on. It rates 3 out of 10.![](
can you smell the plagiarism? please be hating it.although i'm not a huge fans of naruto, I feel like this comic has exceeded the limit. lol
When I woke up at the morning, I was figuring about law of conservation of energy--empirical law of physics. making it as an analogycal thought. Love is an equivalent to the law. That the loss of energy is an equivalent to the energy achieved. Just like love. The love we've just given to a person, eventhough that person doesn't give back the love, you'll still receive love from other people. Who just loved you so much. that's what I think. what do you think about it?
heh.. melankolis skali yg terakhir
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