Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Appeasing Day

Maybe I would probably change my statement. Sleeping in hospital was not that bad. really. I slept there last night to take care of my dad and it was all great. I just needed more time to sleep. I occasionally sleep these days. And I got 50thousand for sitting my dad. yay.
Nonetheless, I didn't take a nap this afternoon because I have 3pm schedule-additional class.
hmm. It was still a great day though.

I went to school way earlier this morning because I woke earlier too. I woke at 5.30am and left the hospital by 6am. I enjoyed the morning breeze instead of shivered. I took a bath then and prepared. I left the house wif my motorcycle (I took my motorcycle from hospital, not gonna take another risk. lol).

I brought stupid piles of papers. Papers from the previous try out, school wanted us to have our own copy because school was so stingy. It costs very expensive you knooow! 100thousand rupiah for twenty five copies, and we had scarcity of fund-there was only 33thousand rupiahs left in the wallet. How could this be...
I used my money first. They have to collect funds to replace my 100thousand.

The first subject was english. Crap, I got 8. I don't know why, I never got 9 in my english test. Never!
Maybe I'd like to have speaking test rather than reading and so on. Deciding the explicits and implicits. I hate that.
Thus, it made me upset. But it's ok, at least I don't have to do additional assignment. Dea does. lol.

Then physics, then math. About math, I thought I could finish the half, but not all of them were correct.
And I had math, again, in my additional class.
After school, Me, dea, usi, ea and ucha went to buy mpek mpek rosa. Dea gave me loan. hehe. She didn't know I had enough money to afford it. ^^
It was nice having it while talking about people. They're sooo, gossipers. How innocent I was, getting in the hole of these gossipers. Subhanallah.. haha. They even talked about my faults. Hey I am who I am, gurlz...
And it was raining, again. Bontang would never stop raining this month. That makes this small town is quite similar to Forks-fictional city where the Cullens live. I'm gonna be Jasper Hale then. *no against statements is allowed*

I came back home when it was still raining-a drizzle. I saw my aunt's car, I guessed she's in the house. Not a big deal, she's not a menace to me. hehe
We talked for several minutes, and again, I talked about my interests. Colleges, future, jobs, life, and so on.
To my surprise, she knows sort of abbrevations of University stuffs like PBS, PBUPD, utul, and so on. Things that my mother doesn't know, doesn't even want to know. Her children is still young-not any older than me, but she already knows everything. She admitted that she asked her friends. She left me some advices. Religiously and educationally. She said I need to get close to my creator. To her, it's impossible to reach a succeed without tawakkal to Allah. It's a worth advice after all.

My dad will be leaving soon tonight after his five hours-hemodialysis. yay him!


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