Friday, July 3, 2009

Machi Style

Machi is a hunterxhunter character. I adore her most of the time. And since I'm addicted to hunterxhunter, I downloaded all of its' episodes. Even the original animation video. they're so great. It makes me to imagine all the time. I like Machi, Shizuku, and Pakunoda. The only girl characters and came from phantom troupe (genei ryodan). It's great, isn't it?

I stole a picture of the entire Phantom Troupe members from internet. Then I was wondering about their ability, but what I found was the rank of their physical ability. But it doesn't mention about Chrollo (kuroro) and Hisoka. So I don't know anything about them both.

So, as I adore Machi, I draw something that quite similar. Not quite, but actually stole 70% of her style. Here it is...So, as I downloaded the whole episodes, I finally know how the ending is. And it's such a total disappointment. Like when pakunoda dies for disobeying kurapica after shoots 6 spiders with memory bullets. But she dies gracefully and I love the way she dies.


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