Guess what? It’s not so bad being in Bontang. I had internet and all things. Nothing’s more comfortable than HOME. But something startled me when I’m here. Parents are going to turn our garden into a building. He said it was purposed to be a travel agent, and my mom is opening small lessons for underage students who need help to read and count mathematically. Yeah, mom is resigning from her job as a teacher in YPK. I think YPK is throwing out dead weights. It’s being over capacity and they’re trying to reduce their burden.
There were some friends of my remaining in this city. We hung out together this dusk, grouping ocha and Risma. We went to a small indistinct shop. It didn’t look more like a shop. It could be just a house from the distance. They were selling cheap outfits and football jackets. And some shoes! I bought ¾ white trousers and a black shirt.
Getting bored by the small range of collections, we rode our motorcycles to Ramayana! We bought smile t-shirts. Ocha bought one while Risma and I bought two pieces. They’re cheap and so tempting. And we got into accessories corner. We tried on crazy stuffs, cute things which were really disgusting. We took some shots of them. Risma was the main model. Gosh she has talent to become supermodel!